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Contribution To My Learning & My Learning Community (5303)


Applying Educational Technology: Portfolio (5303) has taught me so much about building an efficient and effective portfolio that is easy for learners to use, understand, and relate to. I have had the opportunity to explore technology as I never have before and to create an educational space of my own. It has been a journey, for sure, full of ups and downs, but in the end I have an Eportfolio that is totally mine and I love it.In the past, I was never great with technology. I would never really learn about it or use it unless I had to and sometimes that was a problem because it put me behind in the classroom. As a department leader, the school used to look to me to assist my teachers with learning about technology changes or new practices that had been implemented. The reason why I chose the Applied Digital Learning Program is because I wanted to become comfortable with technology and embrace changes in education. I can honestly say that I feel way more comfortable now than I did before.

This journey wouldn’t have been as easy if it hadn’t been for my classmates that have helped me along the way. Thanks to the significant learning environment that has been set, it was easy for my classmates and I to collaborate, see each other's perspectives, and learn from each other's eportfolio mistakes. I made most of those mistakes, but I never minded sharing them for the good of the class. I collaborated with my study group a lot through our Group Me chat. My group members Benjamin Branco, Jacob Montag, Tristan Dixon, and Fred Williams. In our group chat, we shared links to our eportfolios and gave honest feedback. I appreciate the guys' feedback because it helped me to improve my eportfolio overall. In the group chat, we also discussed things that we learned during our class session, things we read and videos we watched.

In class, when we went to breakout rooms, I was always the person who would start the conversation so that we could have a productive conversation. Like last session, I never minded taking a leadership role in the breakout room and serving as a facilitator. I like to talk! Also, I made sure to speak up/participate during the class sessions. I made a discussion post for the discussions and also shared a link to my eportfolio in the last two discussion posts. In those posts, I got to view other eportfolios and I gave feedback to Selina Summers, Bethany Eisele, and Sara Garza. I got feedback on my eportfolio link post from a lot of different classmates including Tristan Dixon, Dawn Short, Christina Molina, and Lera Longbottom. Thee classmates' feedback really helped me to improve my eportfolio and I was thankful that we could all work together to help each other. I was happy to be a part of this learning community. For my contribution, I would give myself a 90. I really enjoyed learning methods to make my Eportfolio better and I would love to continue growing and improving my Eportfolio.

Links to work:

Highlights, Hurdles, and Hopes: My Eportfolio

For the Health of It!: Homepage



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