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Yoga Class
Developing A Growth Mindset Plan: Welcome

Changing a person’s overall mindset can be hard, but I believe that it can be done. I think that I can help a learner develop a growth mindset by modeling it for them. Even as an educator, everything doesn’t always go my way. I can model a growth mindset by how I react to challenges that present themselves in front of my class. I can also model a growth mindset by taking feedback and criticism that I get and use it to be better.  I want to make sure that I inspire my students to use their growth mindset by praising their effort and progress during instruction. I also want to help them develop a growth mindset by leading them in periods of positive self talk. They will know that they can achieve because I will remind them and they will also remind themselves.

Factors that should be considered while teaching the growth mindset would be the students skill set or accommodations. All students can learn, but not all students learn the same way. Teachers who want to develop growth mindsets in learners should also understand that differentiation is key. If an educator wants to develop a growth mindset in students, they also have to give them the necessary tools to be able to succeed, which will sustain the growth mindset.

I will model the message of ‘yet’ for my learners by applauding the effort and progress that they are making in my class. Failing a student who is giving their all to pass a class could discourage them from giving the same amount of effort. It is my experience that once a learner’s confidence is shattered in a class, they tend to give up and it is hard to get them back on the right track. Saying “not yet” instead of failing a student would be much better on their confidence as they continue to grow in a subject and develop a growth mindset.I believe that teaching learner’s a growth mindset can have positive effects on the way they view feedback and constructive criticism. When a person is operating from a growth mindset, they actually want honest, constructive criticism. They understand that getting feedback is the only way for them to grow and master a challenge. When someone has a growth mindset, they understand that they don’t know everything and they look for ways to enhance their work.

A growth mindset would stop a student from cheating. The learner will understand that cheating will never help them to reach the goals that they have set for themselves and they will understand that honestly completing coursework is the only way for them to know where they are in the learning. Once the learner knows where they are, they can take the necessary steps to improve. 

The growth mindset will begin to limit some learner’s preoccupation with grades because they will see it as a starting point and not final. The starting point will serve as a means to help them grow. They will begin to realize the progress from the starting point and will feel good about their progress and effort. Grit plays an enormous role in this because they have to be determined to want better for themselves. This is the only way that they will put forth the effort that is needed to grow.

We can prevent the growth mindset from being a fad or improperly implemented by modeling it for students everyday. It is important that, as educators, we truly understand the benefits of a growth mindset and buy into the belief ourselves. This is the only way that we can properly model and teach a growth mindset. It is my experience that students can always tell when a teacher believes in what they are teaching. By full understanding and implementing the growth mindset, learners will truly internalize it and use it to succeed. I think that grit can be misused by continually telling students to pass a course but not giving them the tools to pass or implementing a growth mindset.

I think that having a growth mindset is always a work in progress. It is a good start, but it isn’t enough because there are so many different challenges that students will face during this lifetime and they need to be able to apply a growth mindset to all areas of life. Sometimes, having a growth mindset in one area is a lot harder than others. Having a growth mindset is something that has to be worked at daily if a learner wants to see a mindset change.

We can move our learners towards reigniting their learner’s mindset by encouraging them, giving them praise, and making sure that they have the proper tools to learn. When they may be discouraged, we should give them a helping hand. We should create significant learning environments that are all about learning. Educators should be creating engaging lesson plans that make the learner ask questions, spark their imagination, and make them excited to find the answers. A learner’s mindset and a growth mindset are vital to learners' success inside and outside the classroom.

Developing A Growth Mindset Plan: Text
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