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Dear Comprehensive Health Department,

Now, more than ever, society is seeing how valuable total health is for everyone. There are so many people that have experienced trauma from dealing with the new normal of life during this pandemic. Uncertainty can lead to fear and high amounts of stress, which affects mental health. Virtual education and working from home can lead to sedentary lifestyles, which affects physical health. Isolation and quarantining can lead to social anxiety which affects social health. The affects of life during this pandemic can lead to problems with every aspect of health, which can have devastating consequences. As a student's physical, mental, and social health is affected, the learning process is affected. As a member of faculty and staff, health being affected could mean less days working and frustration at the workplace. Parents not being educated about preventable health disparities could affect the entire household. Overall, not investing in the health and wellness of the community can lead to conditions that aren’t favorable for the entire district.

The importance of physical, mental, and social health being balanced is key to enhancing the learning experience and environment for students, faculty, and staff. To combat different health issues that could arise, I would like to pilot an online blended learning wellness initiative called “Community Focus Wellness Initiative”. This initiative would use technology to give students, parents, faculty, and staff access to a variety of tools that could help them to achieve health in all three areas. This initiative will include, but is not limited to, the use of wellness videos, health and wellness apps, learning modules, the use of zoom for webinars and support groups, and also give links to make appointments with mental health and school counselors. The community would have access to life saving tips, tools, and resources with the click of a mouse. No copay would ever be needed.

I would like to pilot an online blended learning wellness initiative in which the community can first assess their personal or family health needs by taking a health assessment that covers questions on all areas of health. From the findings of the assessment, the community can then make their personal or family health goals and track their progress on their health journey. Based on individual or family health goals, anyone  could find resources and different collaborative tools to assist in these important goals being met.

After making a profile, going through health modules, and utilizing the resources, any person can track their various health goals and progress from year to year. My hope is to have different specialists (mental health counselors, physical health trainers, dietitians)  assist in giving their input on the aspect of health in which they specialize. I also would love to bring in videos, books,  support groups, and webinars to enhance the health journey for anyone who uses the blended learning health initiative.

In closing, a healthier community leads to happier teachers and teacher retention. A healthier community could lead to better student focus which could lead to student success inside and outside of the classroom. Helping me to pilot the “Community Focus Health Initiative” will enhance the learning environment and lead to more academic success and lifestyle changes for all who take advantage. I am asking for the opportunity to change lives through access to blended learning for the entire community.  Prevention and lifestyle changes are key when enhancing health. Having a health initiative that targets the entire community can build happier and healthier homes, which would lead to a brighter future for all. 


LaDonna R. Green

Innovation Proposal: Welcome
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