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The implementation of digital resources is a very big part of my implementation plan. Community Focus is an online wellness blended learning initiative that seeks to educate the community on physical, mental, and social health through bringing healthy digital resources to one online platform. Incorporating these resources into learning will help students to learn while they are in class and also put these digital resources to use outside of the class. Since most students take their phones everywhere, why not teach them how to use them to keep their health triangle better. 

Below, you can view my article submission for publication “Utilizing Digital Resources to Enhance Healthy Blended Learning” from the publication outline to the final draft. 

Digital Artist
Resources: Digital Environments: Welcome
Learning with Tablets

Utilizing Digital Resources to Support Healthy Blended Learning

Resources: Digital Environments: Image
Students Chatting On Stairs

Utilizing Digital Resources to Support Healthy Blended Learning!

Resources: Digital Environments: Image
A young man in a recording studio

Media Pitch for "Utilizing Digital Resources to Support Health Blended Learning!"

Resources: Digital Environments: Image
Writing a Diary

"Utilizing Digital Resources to Support Healthy Blended Learning!"

Resources: Digital Environments: Image
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