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Scientist on Computer


Usability Test: Welcome


Usability Test: Text

Usability & Reflection

I created a Google Form as a means to collect feedback on the course on the health triangle and prevention. This blended learning course was created for 7th grade students.

This course is project based and incorporates the use of ePortfolios so students can do their healthy blogging and create their personal health plan that they can use for years to come. 

I was intentional with selecting the people that I wanted to give feedback on the course. I selected the assistant director of health and wellness, the coordinator of enrichment programs, the coordinator of school counseling, and a health specialist who train nurses who work in the district. We all work in the SEL & comprehensive health department of administration and I value their feedback because of their knowledge of educating students and the curriculum.


Below, you will see the usability test that I sent to the people who viewed my course and also their responses on a google spreadsheet.

Usability Test: HTML Embed


Embedded in this section is the google form that I sent to the people selected to review my online blended course.The form has short and long answer questions and some multiple choice. 
Some of the questions included on the for m are:
1. What is your title?
2. How do you feel about the design of this course?
3. Is this course user friendly?
4. Are the learning outcomes clearly stated?
5. Is there a clear link between outcomes and course content?
6. Is the content easy to understand?
7. What are your suggestions for improving this online course?
8. What was your favorite thing about this course?
9. Do you feel like this course is needed?

Usability Test: HTML Embed


Embedded in this section of the page are the results from the google form given to the people chosen to review my online course.

Usability Test: HTML Embed
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