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Module 1

ID Module 1: Welcome


For this project on instructional design, I will be creating a course over the Health Unit: The Health Triangle, Ten Health Skills, and Prevention. This course will be aimed at middle school health students and I will be using 7th grade health TEKS. During this unit, learners will look at the health triangle and its 3 sides, mental, physical, and social. Learners will also have a chance to create solutions to real problems by learning about balancing the health triangle to achieve wellness and using the ten health skills for healthy prevention.

I will be using Fink’s 3 Column table and the course outline during the creation of this course and I will also be implementing the use of healthy e-portfolios for the purpose of students keeping a health journaling blog for reflections. They will also use this space for their personal health plans and its revisions and to take notes from question and answer periods from the online “parking lot”.

I am using the blended learning approach because it can increase student engagement and improve learners comprehension and understanding. I also chose to implement the use of e-portfolios because it gives learners choice, voice, and ownership over their learning. The e-portfolio would be “theirs” and would push them to take an interest in learning. All of these things would help to make the classroom a significant learning environment where students explore, ask questions, take interest, and succeed.

ID Module 1: Text


ID Module 1: HTML Embed
ID Module 1: HTML Embed
ID Module 1: HTML Embed
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