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EDLD 5304

In Leading Organizational Change (5304) I have been given so many useful tools to be able to implement the changes that I would like to see, especially my innovation plan. We learned about and created a why, an influencer strategy, a 4DX strategy, and learned about how to be self-differentiated leaders who are not afraid to have necessary crucial conversations. All of these things are pieces to an important puzzle. The important puzzle is to impact our organizations for the better through our innovations! Why are we doing what we do? This is probably the most important question I can answer when trying to make an organizational change. From there, I can implement my influencer strategy and identify the vital behaviors to change while using the 4DX strategy to work with my team to figure out my wildly important goals and to hold ourselves accountable with an effective scoreboard. None of this would be possible without becoming a self-differentiated leader and having crucial conversations that pull everything together. All of these pieces fit into a bigger strategy or approach of effective and positive changes for the organization.


Link to Innovation Plan

Business Presentation
Leading Organizational Change: Welcome
Healthy Woman

Why? How? What?

In this assignment, I will tell you "why". Why is health education and building healthy lifestyles so important for everyone in this school district. We will talk about how keeping your health triangle balanced can provide good physical, mental, and emotional health for everyone. Here we will talk about why we do what we do! It's all about health and spreading resources and support throughly initiative Community Focus!

Leading Organizational Change: Image
Professional Makeup

Parts A & B

Now that we have discussed the "why" for Community Focus, it is time to take a look at the results that I want to achieve through my initiative and how I will measure them. I will identify the influencers in my organization that are critical to its success and then talk about the vital behaviors that I will need to change. Through this influencer strategy, I will also explain my six sources of influence.

Leading Organizational Change: Image
Business Meeting

Team work that makes the dream work! In this assignment, we will look at the four disciplines of execution within the 5 stages of change and how the 4DX model are similar, different, and how they work together to create change!

Leading Organizational Change: Image
Sync Up

and bringing the organizational change process together.

This assignment describes how you can change your organization for the better, I crucial conversation at a time. Crucial conversations are a necessary part of organizational change. Send-differentiated leaders do not stay away from crucial conversations, but they use them for the benefit of organizational changes.

Leading Organizational Change: Image
Leading Organizational Change: Blog2 Custom Feed
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