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Not Yet...But Soon!

One thing that I loved about the message of "yet" is that it still gives an opportunity of success as opposed to failure. In the video, the speaker discussed how one school replace the grade F with not yet and I think that that change could be very instrumental in getting people to change from a fixed mindset to a growth mindset. Hearing that you're not there yet means that you still have a chance to get there. You haven't yet failed and if you continue to move forward, you will reach success. Hearing that you failed might encourage a learner to avoid challenges for fear of failure again, while not yet might encourage a learner to keep pushing forward an embrace the challenge and learn from criticism. I think that "not yet" will better help learners to reach their full potential. Once a learner has developed a growth mindset, there are no limits to what a learner can achieve. Having a fixed mindset and a learner thinking that they've know it all will only hold them back in the long run because we should all be life long learners. Having a growth mindset will change the way you learn because you won't see anything as a challenge anymore, but an opportunity to learn and to grow.

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