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My Experience Switching Eportfolio Platforms

Creating my Eportfolio has been quite the journey. Some days, I am pleased with the growth that I see on my Eportfolio. Other days, I make mistakes while editing my Eportfolio that makes me want to scream! Every day, I fall more in love with the process, which makes the journey worthwhile. I've genuinely enjoyed the process because I finally settled on the right platform. I chose Wix to be the home for my Eportfolio for its simplicity. I love things that are easy to use and straight to the point. Initially, I chose Wordpress, and although I loved it for the first couple weeks of the ADL program, it turned out to be a little more complex than what I wanted or what I'm used to. I got into the ADL program to build my confidence while dealing with technology, because I'm not that great at it. Imagine how I felt when I made a change on Wordpress that resulted in me having to redo my whole Eportfolio. I was definitely stressed! So in the middle of Disruptive Innovations in Technology, I had to start from scratch. Once I found Wix and settled on the theme and template for my Eportfolio, thing started to change for the better. Having to switch platforms in the middle of a class wasn't ideal, but it was worth it. I really love my Eportfolio and I really feel like it is truly mine! My vision of creating a whole health Eportfolio is a reality. So, making a switch in platform has had wonderful results. Don't be afraid to make the switch.

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