Having a growth mindset is very important when it comes to making healthy lifestyle change. Most changes are going to be challenging because it requires letting go of some comfort. A learner with a growth mindset embraces challenges and sees them as room to grow, while a learner with a fixed mindset does the opposite.I would model the growth mindset and power of yet by praising progress and effort. Even if a learner doesn't hit a target that they set for themselves, they will get there with continued efforts. I would praise the fact that they've decided to keep moving forward with their personal health plan and didnt choose to give up, which is the easy way out. Growth mindset can change a learner's mindset on acceptance of feedback, which is important because they will be recieving feedback from supporters in their support group and from different health specialists that could be beneficial to them in the long run. We can move our learners towards adopting a learner's mindset by modeling it for them, giving them constructive feedback, never giving up on them, and showing them support when their belief in themselves starts to slip.
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