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Contributions to Learning and the Learning Community (3505 & 3502)

Updated: Mar 9, 2022

I haven't been in school since I graduated from Prairie View A&M University in 2010. I am glad that we began this program by learning about the growth mindset because the thought of returning to school was truly intimidating to me. The growth mindset lesson has helped me through these classes because I truly did embrace the challenges that I faced in these courses and used them as opportunities to grow. I don't know if I would've embraced these challenges in the past, but I'm learning, growing, and pushing myself to be the best I can be and never give up on my goals.

I contributed to my learning community by showing up to class every day and being present. I wasn't present in a sense of merely showing up, but I often made it my mission to use my voice to be a part of class discussions, whether in the breakout room or in the main room. I also asked a lot of questions. During both classes, I worked with two groups. Initially, I was in a group with Antionette, Tristan, and the twins. We had a zoom meeting outside of class and Antoinette made a “group me” that we would use to chat. Then, I joined Ben, Tristan, Jacob and Fred in working on the Literature review(3505). This group met on zoom once, but talked on GroupMe all the time. This group also was able to share ideas and collaborate on benefits of growth mindset, what having growth mindset looks like in students, and the dangers of staying in a fixed mindset (3502). Often, during discussions, we would talk about the growth mindset, while discussing our innovation plans. We were able to collaborate and discuss both classes at one time. I think we were able to do that because we knew we needed to have a growth mindset before even attempting to make an innovation proposal or creating an implementation outline. Becoming an innovator definitely requires a growth mindset because it requires stepping outside of your comfort zone, exposing your ideas to other while worrying about negative feedback, and being bold enough to push forward with innovations even when things may not look the way you want them to look. Also, we innovate because there is a need. Having a growth mindset pushes you to find solutions to challenges and meet needs.

I made a discussion post for almost all of the class discussions where I answered most of the questions asked in the prompts and I even had a meeting with Dr H to address a couple questions my first group had about an early assignment. I know that my contribution wasn't perfect, but I think I did ok. I definitely qualify for the perfect attendance award. During this course, I did complete all of the required reading and modules so when a discussion came up in a breakout room, I was able to contribute. Usually, I was a leader in my break out room by helping to lead discussions and give clarity for understanding. I also completed all of my assignments and turned them in before the deadline.

An area where I can improve in my contribution would be to give more constructive feedback to my group members. During these first two courses, I feel like everyone was feeling the program out and trying to figure it out together. We were also trying to learn about each other. When it was time to give feedback, I did, but it was always with extra "sugar on top". I also felt a little weird sharing my implementation plan because I felt like my project was different, but I got really good feedback from my classmates. They probably also gave me a little extra "sugar on top" but I'm ok with that.

I did appreciate discussions and sharing my work with the group and classmates during 3502 because growth mindset is so important and it wasn't until I was discussing it with others or writing a discussion post that I realized I really need to make every effort to make a growth mindset my reality because it really does pay off in the long run. Growth mindset got me in school and it will get me through school in the end. I'm appreciative of the feedback that I received from my classmates and Dr. H. They have helped me to revise assignments and make them better in the end. At the end of the day, I'm not creating something to throw on the shelf to collect dust. I want my e portfolio to be able to be used even after I finish this program. This program has taught me so much and it has been a joy to go through this program.

Overall, in Disruptive Innovations in Technology, I would give myself a 44 out of 50.


Innovation Proposal

Literature Review:

Implementation Outline:

In Concepts of Tcchnology, I would probably give myself an 85.

Growth Mindset Plan:

Learning Manifesto:

Read With Me- Annotated Bibliography:

Learning Network:

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